偵測極限是任何分析方法中最重要的一個參數,因此分析化學文獻中經常看到偵測極限的報導。正因為偵測極限普遍的出現於文獻及分析方法中,因此它基本上是一個從事化學分析或檢測工作者相當熟悉的名詞,這樣一個普遍被使用的名詞,近幾年來卻因食品安全問題,比方說每當有食品污染事件產生時,民眾心中或許有個疑惑,有些污染物不是「不得檢出」嗎?為什麼檢測出不是零的數值還會合法?偵測極限突然就成為一個熱門的話題。食品安全不是一個新的議題,偵測極限也不是一個新的名詞,使用偵測極限來判定某一食品是否符合法規要求也是行之有年的作法,但是為什麼今天大家對偵測極限的重視遠高於以,主要的原因之一在於液相層析/串聯質譜 (LC/MS/MS) 的快速發展。由於 LC/MS/MS技術的成熟,方法的檢測下限較之前常用的液相層析/紫外光譜感度下降了近百倍 (或更高)。由於感度的大幅提升,因此許多以前檢測不出來的樣品都因使用LC/MS/MS 而出現了陽性的檢測結果。這個現象使得偵測極限不再是一個似乎無關痛癢,偶爾才會被使用的一個象徵性或裝飾性的名詞。因為它使用的機會增加了許多,因此偵測極限的正確性,合理性及是否易於使用也就突然的受到了各方的關切。
- 偵測極限(detection limit, DL):分析物與空白樣品有顯著差異的最小量;亦即在已知的可信度(confidence level)下,可測得之分析物的最小濃度或質量。
- 儀器偵測極限(instrument detection limit, IDL):The IDL is the analyte concentration that is required to produce a signal greater than three times the standard deviation of the noise level. 亦即為待測物之最低量或最小濃度,足夠在儀器偵測時,產生一可與空白訊號區別之訊號者。亦即該待測物之量或濃度在99%之可信度下,可產生大於平均雜訊之標準偏差3倍之訊號。
- 方法偵測極限(method detection limit, MDL):指待測物在某一基質中以指定檢測方法所能測得之最低量或濃度,在99%之可信度下待測物之濃度大於0。
Here is a procedure that produces a DL that has a 99% chance of being greater than the blank. Assume that the standard deviation of the signal from sample near the DL is similar to the standard deviation from blanks.
- After estimationg the DL from previous experience with the method, prepare a sample whose concentration is ~1 to 5 times the DL.
- Measure the signal from n replicate samples (at least, n = 7; 至少7個以上的複製樣品)
- Compute the standard deviation (s) of the n measurements.
- Measure the signal from n blank samples (containing no analyte) and find the mean value, which is yblank.
- Multiply s by the value of Student's t in Table 1 corresponding to n-1 degrees of freedom and 98% (not 99%) confidence. The signal can be defined as DL, ydl, is
Signal DL: ydl = yblank + t x s
By signal DL, it indicates the smallest instrument response to sample that is "significantly different" from that of a blank.
Table 1. Student's t Value at 98% confidence level
Degrees of freedom (n-1) | t Value |
6 | 3.143 |
7 | 2.998 |
8 | 2.896 |
9 | 2.821 |
10 | 2.764 |
15 | 2.602 |
- The concentration DL can be obtained from the signal DL by use of a calibration curve. A linear calibration states that the corrected signal, ysample - yblank, is proportional to sample concentration:
Calibration line: ysample - yblank = m x C
C: sample concentration
ysample: sample signal
m: slope of calibrtion curve
=> Concentration DL (or Minimum detectable concentration, Cm):
- The IDL is obtained by replicate measurements (at least, n = 7; 至少7個以上的複製樣品) of aliquots from one sample.
- The MDL, which is greater than the instrument detection limit, is obtained by preparing individual samples and analyzing each one once. Every sample is subjected to the entire sample preparation procedure and analysis. The variation in individually prepared sample is greater than the variation when one sample is analyzed multiple times. Therefore, the MDL is higher than the IDL. The MDL provides a more realistic estimate of what different workers can expect from a procedure.
1. 偵測極限的意義8
Figure 1. DL: 1% of the area of the t distribution curve for blanks lies to the right of the DL.
Use t value for 98% confidence, because 1% of thearea of the blank distribution lies to the right of
yblank + t x s and 1% lies to the left of yblank - txs
(a) Only 1% of blank will have a reading as high as ydl.
(b) 50% of samples whose concentration is at DL will have readings below ydl.
2. 不得檢出與"0"的困擾:實際可定量極限3
為解決方法偵測極限及不得檢出的困擾,美國環保署首先在廢棄物檢測方法上(USEPA SW-846),使用美國環保署核准的方法,「指定」約 5~10 倍方法偵測極限值為估計可定量極限(EstimatedQuantitation Limit, EQL)及實際可定量極限(Practical QuantitationLimit;PQL)。EQL 常為直接指定,PQL 雖亦可直接指定,但較嚴謹的作法為經由實驗室間能力比測,確認有 75%以上之實驗室可實際定量後予以規定。相較於方法偵測極限,前開 2 個極限值有較高的準確度(Accuracy)及精密度(Precision)。
- 說明方法偵測極限(method detection limit)在環境污染物分析過程中之意義及重要性。如何決定方法偵測極限?[95地方特考3等-環境檢驗-水質檢驗]
- 我國行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所“環境檢驗方法偵測極限測定指引NIEA-PA107"規定的測定步驟中,如何預估方法偵測極限(MDL)?試劑水基質中待測物之MDL 如何測定?[97地方特考3等-環境檢驗-空氣污染物檢驗與噪音測定]
- 請說明何謂方法偵測極限以及進行方法偵測極限之製作步驟。[100薦任升等-環境檢驗-空氣污染物檢驗與噪音測定]
以分析落塵樣品的含鉛量為例,假設該落塵樣品經一系列之前處理後,所得之液體溶液以火燄式原子吸收光譜儀量測其中之鉛濃度,試述如何求得儀器偵測極限(instrumental detection limit)?上述之儀器偵測極限(instrumental detection limit)與方法偵測極限(method detection limit)有何差異?[96薦任升等 空氣污染物檢驗與噪音測定]
- 說明方法偵測極限之定義及其測定步驟。[98地方特考3等-環境檢驗-分析化學]
- 何謂儀器偵測極限值?方法偵測極限值?儀器靈敏度?及偵檢器訊號線性範圍?[98地方特考4等-環境檢驗-儀器分析
- http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/~grher/GRHerlab2012/ke_xue_tong_su_wen_zhang_files/detection%20limit.pdf
- http://scimonth.blogspot.tw/2014/03/blog-post_8056.html
- 「不得檢出值不是零」的省思
- NIEA PA-101
- NIEA PA-107
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detection_limit
- https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080316000015KK11944
- Harris, D. C. "Quantitative Chemical Analysis" 6th. Ed.
- Skoog, D. A. et. al "Principles of Instrumental Analysis" 5th. Ed.
- http://udn.com/news/story/6952/482398